Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Weekend Links List

Ok, I'm gonna try something new today that if I like it I will try to keep it up! So my idea is every weekend try to post a few photo sites and even a few fun non-photo sites!
  1. Alexia Sinclair is an award winning Australian photographic and digital artist. Her work is amazing! If you have the time, I'd highly suggest that you to go through her gallery and look at all her work and really spend time with each piece to see the incredible detail and skilled digital manipulation at it's best!
  2. Check out the work by George Holz an American portrait photographer who is native of Oak Ridge Tennessee. He works with a wide range of models and has shot many well known celebrities. His work is very beautiful, playful and seductive!
  3. "Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph." Matt Hardy This is a great quote from a list of 10 Photography Quotes You Should Know, an article featured on the Digital Photography School website.
  4. The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee is a wonderful blog that I love to follow, it is just what the title suggests, a blog full of pictures of cats and kittens! My favorite!
  5. and finally, Awkward Family Photos a hilarious website full of pictures people send in of those horrible posed family photos you see in everyone's home. These are great!

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