Monday, April 27, 2009

Review: Zaza Stretched Canvas

The good people over at zaza gallery sent out a tweet calling for photo bloggers to review an 8”x10” Canvas Gallery Wrap of a personal work at no cost to the photographer. I was lucky enough to respond quickly and within a about a week and a half this arrived at my door step.

I was quite nervous that this was too good to be true, but after emailing back and forth with Hugh Parker I felt more confident about the deal. It seems that sending out these canvas is a great way to promote the product and to get the word out in the blogging and photography community.

I have had this print sitting on my shelf waiting to be photographed and written about for a few days not and the more I look at it, the more I love it! The coloring is amazing! After sending my image in I had a horrible thought, what if the neon colors just don't look good, what will i say about it! But I was pleasantly surprise upon its arrival, it looks even better than it does on my computer!

I would highly recommend that you check out this site if you have any need to print on canvas, it would be a very nice gift for someone!
Thank you zaza gallery for this wonderful piece of art that I will now proudly hang on my wall!

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connie said...

Very Cool.

MGF said...

Wrap canvas are so cool.

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