Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Revisting Old Images

I decided to take some time today to revisit some of my old pictures from my trip to Italy the summer of 07. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have taken this trip and I look back at these pictures all the time and remember what a crazy and beautiful time this was.

I was fortunate enough to no only have a wonderful camera (Canon Rebel XT) for this trip, but also some basic knowledge in photoshop and digital archiving. Some of the things that I have found most helpful to me have been:
  1. ALWAYS save originals of your images in multiple places (computer, external harddrive)
  2. clearly label images with date and location
  3. invest some time in photoshop classes or online tutorials (http://www.lynda.com/)
  4. use layers when editing with adobe photoshop, save a PDF so you can revisit those layers and adjust them or add to them as you learn new skills.
  5. try to find a good balance of lights and darks in your image, balance within an image can make it more pleasing to look at

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