Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Questionnaire Answers

1. Stephanie “Stevi” Sayler
Art & Communications minor

2. Ultimately I would love to use digital photography every day in a future career! I would love to one day have a career working as a photographer for a magazine or newspaper. I already use my digital camera and Photoshop as much as possible and I like to fill my free time taking pictures and with help from classes I would like to take this hobby further and extend it into a job.

3. This is my first digital photography related class but I have had many friends and mentors that have extensive knowledge and experience with Photoshop who have helped me to build the basic skills to edit the photographs that I take.

4. Yes I do have a Mac laptop computer but unfortunately I only have Photoshop CS2 so I don’t think that will work for all the work we will be doing.

5. 7ish, I have a good knowledge of most of the tools needed to edit pictures and I already knew most of the things we learn in the first day demo. I am not very experienced when it comes to layers and some of the filters available in the CS3.

6. Photography! I love to get new and exciting pictures of objects from different angles.

7. I am not always confident with my artwork so I second-guess decisions and I am not as adventurous with new techniques and different ideas. Drawing and painting are places where I have the most difficulty.

8. I would like to learn how to use layers and more advanced techniques when editing pictures. I would also like to improve on my picture taking and learn more about my camera itself.

9. Make a living off my art and are truly happy with a career that I have made for myself.

10. If I could make any group of images in the world, without any restrictions, they would…. Be a collection of images of small villas and towns all over Italy along with pictures of the locals and their daily activities! I would travel around and live with families and make friends all around the country and document as much of my activities as possible.

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