Monday, April 25, 2011

Jeremiah's 1st Birthday

Lovely family, good times.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Cutie.

More to come!
Birthday party photoshoot from today!

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Spring Sneak Peak

Eugene takes a break from raining on us to tease with some beautiful weather.

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Rooftop Artist

More portraits with the talented painter, Anthony Hartmeier.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Little Baby Lilly

Tiny little person.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wireless Shutter Release

Testing out my new toy,
Silly purchase, but I don't care.

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Beautiful Laura

Beautiful as always.
The sun was direct and harsh, but felt amazing.

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Crown Ballroom, Portland, OR

I will be shooting a wedding here in a little less than a month.

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A very talented Eugene artist, Anthony Hartmeier.

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