Saturday, March 27, 2010

Needle from Space! to space? of space?

My only goal for the day was to touch the Space Needle,

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Evening walk

Spring will be here soon!
I can hardly wait! I have been thoroughly enjoying these little glimpses of spring time weather.
Sunsets have been perfect from here.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hannah's Graduation

I had so much fun this weekend visiting my amazing friend from high school back in the day.
Hannah and her family are my favorites!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sun setting on a dumb day

Had a rough day at work today,
a walk with the boy and my camera made things so much better.

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Cont. Sunny Sunday

continued from Sunny Sunday,
More of my walk about town

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Sunny Sunday Seattle

After the first night in my new downtown Seattle apartment,
got up crazy early and went for a walk to see what I could find.


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Issaquah Apartment

boring place, pretty street at night.

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Miss me?

Sorry for the insanely long absence, I have been making huge, crazy changes in my life and I have let my camera and blog fall by the wayside. Not anymore though! I'm comin' back, full force, Seattle style!

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