Sunday, November 22, 2009

More from the Seattle Aquarium, one day I would love to go in the middle of the week when it there are less kids running around claiming that every fish they see is Nemo or Dorie... we went on a Sunday and it was crazy! but awesome

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Seattle Aquarium

I went to the aquarium last weekend and it kicked ass! I LOVE, love, love jelly fish, i wish i could have a giant tank of them to stare at for hours!
These suckers are hard to photograph but I feel I got a few good ones!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pikes St

Told you I would update soon! I have more to edit from a trip to the aquarium so those will be coming soon. I am not super pleased since I still don't have photoshop and my mac is making it difficult for me to get a free version from anyone/anywhere. Any suggestions?
I love you all!

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Pumkin Patch

Pumpkin patch adventure from way back before halloween! Sry I have been away from my blog for so long, i have had almost no time to take pictures or edit them. work is CRAZY!! I will update more soon, i promise!

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