Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Salmon Days

Went to Salmon Days in downtown Issaquah, Washington. http://salmondays.org/ It was this really huge fair type of thing with all homemade crafts and tasty super fattening foods! At the end of it, was Issaquah Creek and it was full of salmon swimming up river to spawn. It was really cool to see them so close! You could probably just walk out into the creek and just grab a huge salmon! haha if it weren't for the $200-300 fine.
More pictures coming soon. More of the festival left to edit!

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Drive into Seattle

Driving into Seattle for some fantastic crab and seafood with coworkers!
Wish I had pictures of the messy dinner, but I was not about to touch my beautiful camera with buttery/crab fingers. haha

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Morning Fog

6 in the morning before a long day of work counting inventory in the hospital.
wearing scrubs!

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