Friday, July 31, 2009

Kauai Hike

More from the 10 mile hike along the Awaawapuhi Loop. This last picture is the whole group, minus me! The Swift Family plus Amber. Such spectacular views along this hike!
Hope you enjoy!

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More with the 50mm 1.8 Prime

Playing with the 50mm some more at the river and I am feeling a little better about maybe buying it, It's less forgiving than the lens I am use to, but I think with some good practice and work on my part I can get some really beautiful pictures!
One thing I have noticed is some purple highlights on the water in the last picture, is that a result of the lens or some crazy light maybe caused by a UFO overhead?
Thanks for visiting my site!

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Clouds and Sunsets

Why doesn't Oregon look like this at sunset?
I have taken a break from editing and computers, but I am back! Stay tuned for more!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Playing with a 50mm f 1.8 prime

So far I am enjoying playing around with a lens i borrowed from my mother or on known on the internets as Make Everything Right. I thought i would just post these from my little adventure to the river the other day. The clothes and such spread every where we guessed was either from an "urban camper" or a zombie attack. I'm guessing that random box of jello might be a clue... I'm gonna go ahead and say it was a zombie attack.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Golfing and Flowers

More from Poipu golf course in Kauai, it was so beautiful! I have so many pictures from Hawaii left to edit and so little time!

Plants and flowers from around the resort. It's so fun to go through all these pictures and remember the exact moments when I took the pict. I have been neglecting my editing and my blog, I will work on that and try to get some more pictures out soon!

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

MCP Actions Contest

MCP Actions has sponsored a new lens contest. This is an amazing lens and I would absolutely love to win it for a huge, GIGANTIC upgrade from my 18-55mm lens that is currently on my Rebel XT body and it happens to be the one that came on it. I need and so badly want a beautiful new lens! I see that many many people have posted about this and entered this contest, but I figure that it wouldn't hurt to try! I hardly ever win anything, so maybe this is my time!! cross your fingers!

TAMRON AF18-270mm VC—The World’s First and Only 15X zoom lens
The perfect all-in-one lens, Tamron’s 15X zoom lens features VC, a proprietary anti-shake mechanism that gives you a 4-stop shutter speed advantage for blur-free hand-held shots. Shoot confidently from wide to ultra-tele with Canon and Nikon APS-C DSLRs. Tamron 18-270mm.

Beautiful and perfect! please let me win!!!

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This was my first attempt at a panorama, I think i did pretty well.
You better enjoy this one, it took me a long time!
This was what i replaced a firework show with on the forth of July, I think it was a wise decision! We just sat and watched the sun slowly go down on our last full day all together in Hawaii.

Any advice for me? Things to change? Inconsistencies?

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More of the SugarCane Plant!

From this area we had a view of the plant and of the odd fenced in lots of nothingness. The clouds were perfect that day, and every other day! I miss Hawaii weather!

I will be editing sooo many pictures today! I can't wait to see how they all turn out!

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Back home, editing!

More of tennis playing/not playing! I loved this court, it was super nice and surrounded by gorgeous trees and flowers!

I took this when we went out to explore the sugar cane processing plant and found this cool area where they had set out plots of land and fences, but no houses. It was the perfect place to get a view of the plant! More pictures of this area coming!

This is what we did most mornings, just relaxed with some nice breakfast and coffee and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean, birds chirping and of course tons of roosters crowing!

I was very sad to leave Hawaii, I really hope that I return one day! Now I am back home and not enjoying the grey chilly weather outside but happy to be in a quiet house with Ryan and my kitty!
Many more pictures coming, stay tuned!

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

100th post! Marriot Resort, Poipu Beach

The sights around the resort, it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been! I will miss this place and I feel very grateful to have the opportunity to spend so much time in an amazing place like this!
More coming soon!

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hawaii - Day Four (more)

More from the hike yesterday! I have not been on my computer much lately but I have a feeling that I will be able to a whole bunch in a few days when I fly back! So many many more pictures to come!

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Hawaii - Day Four

holy crap, I'm beyond tired and ravenous, that hike was amazing but so long and insane! We went through all sorts of terrain, dirt, rocks, grass, tall fields, jungle, forests, you name it we probably fought our way through it today! This is a short post because I'm going to dinner to eat EVERYTHING! But i will post more pictures later. The views were spectacular. my feet hurt!

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Hawaii- Day Three

Today was all full of adventures! We went to a different beach a ways away from our resort so that Ryan could rent a surf board and try to surf without lessons! It was fun to watch but from the sounds of it, it was very hard and quite frustrating. We hung out there for awhile and then I tagged along on Ryan and Shaun's golf trip out to a really nice local green. The entire course was gorgeous and they let me drive the cart so I was happy!
Tmro will be an interesting day, we are doing a thirteen mile hike to some peak. I'm not really sure where it is, or what it's going to be like but I will bring my camera and I will document everything! I'm super tired right now and wayy too ready for bed and I think it's only about 9:30. Sorry for the short write up, but I'm sleepy!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hawaii- Day Two (Sugarcane Plant/Cemetery)

As promised, here are the pictures from a little adventure that Ryan and I took yesterday, we took the car and drove out to this old abandoned sugarcane factory, it was all fenced off so we couldn't get that close. It was so cool! It looked like the coolest place ever to explore at night! We were able to walk sort of around it and sneak some cool pictures so that made me happy! We also went into a little town near by and went into stores and later adventured up into the cemetery! This whole adventure was all Ryan's idea, he knows exactly what my favorite places are to take pictures! We have no plans yet for the day but I'm gonna guess they will involve sun, the ocean and my camera!
More pictures coming later!

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