Monday, January 26, 2009

Valley Fog

I took these pictures driving back to Eugene from Gold Beach where I spent some of my winter break with my fam. I made it about an hour without pulling over and getting out my camera, it was just too gorgeous to resist! I LOVE the fog. I have some more of these, but they need a bit more work so I'm gonna save them for later.
I'm gonna try to post more here so keep checking out my stuff! comments are appreciated and helpful so keep 'em coming!

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Friday, January 2, 2009

more pictures of Townsend's house

I'm gonna steal this house from them! its just too beautiful!

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Townsend's house!

Pictures from a trip up to my friends new house. They are building a new home up in the hills in Ashland, Oregon. The view is amazing from practically every window!

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